The Liberated Woman

Embodied. Empowered. & FREE.

Introducing The Liberated Woman. My inner circle for High Level Women ready to take their power & purpose to the next level.

A Four Month Mastermind for Women

Break out of the mundane and into the EXTRAORDINARY.

Get on the waitlist for 2025!

Want more details or be the first to know about the next round? Put your contact information below for best rates & exclusive updates!

Say this with me:

I am The Liberated Woman

I speak my truth

I set boundaries with strong love — for others and for myself

I am not afraid of being seen or showing up in my fullness and wholeness

I feel excited to be who I am - every. single. day.

I feel excited to show up to my mission — because my mission liberates me too.

I love who I am and I love what I’m about.

I deeply trust myself, I deeply trust my path, and I deeply trust that everything is working out for me, through me.

I am a Liberated Woman.

I do not rush, and I’m definitely not “busy” because I have designed a life that gives me time.

Time to be alone. Time for pleasure. Time to enjoy my cacao in the mornings as I meditate with my baby in my arms.

If it’s not serving me, I let it go.

If it’s not giving me energy, I create a change so that it can.

I am empowered

In my words, my actions, my thoughts. I know that I am really powerful.

I am embodied. — In my body, I feel deeply and fully.

I suppress nothing — I remember it’s all a gift. I avoid nothing — I know that it’s always an opportunity to come closer to love. To expand.

I choose love over shutting down. Even when it feels scary or vulnerable.

I always choose to open to trust, and expand because I know that I can hold all of it.

I am really powerful.

And I am FREE.

I live a life by design. I live a life I’m in love with, fully in my mission.

My Dharma — My Purpose. Everyday I feel purposeful. Living life with purpose, on purpose.

Abundance in every moment. I feel like the richest woman on Earth because I am —

Deeply Fulfilled. I am grateful. I am joyful. I am radiant.

I am embodied. I am empowered. I am FREE.

I am A Liberated Woman.

Hi love. Is this you?

You are an incredible, intelligent, beautiful woman who’s just gotten swept up into life. Rather than consciously creating life every day, it’s kinda just happening on auto-pilot.

Whether you’ve just gotten busy or you’ve slowly distanced yourself from the Extraordinary, you feel there is a gap between where you are now and the life where you’re feeling Fully Freaking Lit Up and excited to be alive. Living in awe daily, living a life full of meaning. Connected to your Purpose.

You have a practice. You have intelligence — emotionally, spiritually, to keep you anchored and “content” for the most part, but you’re ready to go BIGGER, play with life bigger. As an embodied, empowered woman who Leads Herselfwho Leads Her Life.

You want to feel FREE. Freedom is one of the most important anchors for you — time freedom, location freedom, freedom to do what you want, when you want.

And also — Freedom to share your gifts, your expression with the world. To be a CREATOR — to have access, time, and space to tap into your creativity, your genius, your channel, every single day.

And — you know that freedom doesn’t just happen to you suddenly — it’s an inside job.

Welcome to The Liberated Woman.

Hi my love,

I’m Brooke Nally.

Yogini, writer, coach, business mentor, and mama, empowering women to reclaim their lives and step into the Extraordinary. Currently based in Costa Rica, I guide women through transformational experiences, retreats, and mentorship, helping them step into their fullest power. I believe that if you are a woman, than you are really powerful, and my dharma is to support you in becoming embodied, empowered, and free— to live a life that’s extraordinary. A life where you feel excited, in your purpose, and fully alive.

The Process:

  1. Embodied

It’s first for a reason. If you are not embodied, you will not feel empowered or free. (Girl math).

Being embodied means being in the BODY. It means feeling fully. It means allowing yourself to feel all the big things and the little things too. You feel a LOT. And there are powerful tools to alchemize your feels into your superpower.

In Embodied — we go deep into the body.

-Breath, Somatics, Movement, Deep Release & Deep Feeling.

This is a crucial part of the system because if you suppress your body — if you hide, play small, or don’t know how to express, you will feel disempowered. So before we move to Phase Two (Empower), we have to get EMBODIED.

There will be accountability challenges and you will be asked to get into your body - Every. Single. Day. During the “embody” portion of this system.

BONUS: To encourage your commitment and participation, if you make it to the full 40 days, you will be rewarded with some fun surprises — gifts, swag, and bonuses at the end! ;)

Some of the practices we will explore:

  • Fasting

  • Aura strengthening

  • Movement to make you SWEAT

  • Deep Conscious Connected Breathwork

  • Neural-tropic and Holotropic Breathwork

  • Kriya Kundalini

  • Tantra Hatha practices

  • Active Meditation

  • Somatic Breath & Movement

  • Yoga Nidra, Yin, Restorative Practices

The Process:

2. Empowered

Now babe, you are in your body. You know how to feel it all - HOLD it all. You’ve developed a deep, beautiful and loving relationship with yourself. With Self Love and trust you’ve cultivated, you’re naturally more expansive, radiant, magnetic.

You’re becoming empowered as a natural extension of being embodied.

So now we get to go even deeper into this!

Being empowered looks like:

  • Showing up fully

  • Being SEEN.

  • Speaking your truth. Sharing your heart, even when it feels scary.

  • Being VULNERABLE in an empowered, embodied, deeply trusting “I’ve got this and no shame” loving way.

  • Knowing “I’ve got me” — “I’ve got this”

  • And also.. “God’s got me” — “God’s got this”

This brings a natural deep trust & relaxation in everything you do — which — is fu#king magnetic.

You know “I am really powerful” and this emanates from your body language, the way you speak, your smile, your gaze, and the incredibly bright aura and energy you carry.

You walk into rooms and people notice you — can feel you.

“I am the stronger vibration” — “I don’t calibrate to them, they calibrate to me”.

You are the strongest frequency in the room because you know yourself — you trust yourself fully.

Being empowered is extremely magnetic — You attract the perfect people and situations into your life.

You’re not ashamed, you’re not a victim.

You’re a deeply loving and radiant woman — you rise above all drama and stories of the lower mind and all drama and stories of other people. You know yourself and that’s all that matters.

Being empowered is being Liberated to be fully YOU and express you. Without shame, without guilt, without fear.

You’re strong yet soft in your feminine. You’re beautiful.

Some of the practices we will explore here:

  • We go deeper into group & partner work here

  • Speaking our truths — slaying our shame

  • Sharing our deepest fears, what we’re afraid of sharing, of claiming

  • We get clear on what’s keeping us small. What’s keeping us stuck.

  • We release stuck energy - we become free in doing so.

  • We have hard conversations

  • We claim our worthiness

  • Fully rising into our Self Worth.

  • We practice being Seen, Heard, in grounded “I’ve got me” empowered energy.

  • We see where we’ve been playing the victim - where we’ve been holding others in the “wrong” and we release that. We rise up.

  • We play, we laugh, and rise into our magnetism.

  • We check ourselves where we are being self righteous, and take responsibility in the most magnetic way possible.

    We show up to ourselves. We stop playing small - We GO for it. Because you know it is TIME.


  • Ego triangle (victim, villain, hero)

  • Forgiveness workshop

  • Magnetic communication and heart led leadership in all our relations.

  • “I am really powerful” workshop

  • Shame release / Womb Rerlease

  • Showing up and playing BIG.

  • Radiant Aura and Magnetism

  • Self-Righteous awareness and the power of vulnerability

  • Claiming your desires in all relations

  • Owning your superpowers and owning your “weaknesses” (exercise of asking close friends “5 qualities I am and 5 good qualities I am not”

  • Everyday, claim it “I am really powerful” — make it background on your phone / vision board.

  • Workshop: Where am I leaking my power? People, environment, time, friends, etc. Clean up the energy leaks.

The Process:


Now babe, you are in your body. You are empowered, so you know how to claim what you want and go for it.

And this third phase is all about freedom.

“Wanting is based on FREEDOM. Needing is based on security, fear, and worry of people’s judgements”.

Everything you want is on the opposite side of fear. When you choose freedom over security and going all in on the life that both excites you and terrifies you.

What is freedom? For me - I’ve been devoted to a life of freedom for years. This is the standard I have for myself and what I deeply desire for you and for all women.

Picture this: A life where you are FREE.

Where you wake up and feel full of energy and creativity — EXCITED to be alive. A life where you have free time and SPACE in your life to slow down and to drop into your body, to be in your channel, to create —

Being free means being a vessel for God to work through and channel through you.

In this last phase — we are going to dial it up even more. By the end of these four months, you will feel so embodied - excited to be alive. In love with YOU. You will be so empowered — in your power claiming who you are and what you want. Fully in your purpose, living on purpose. And you will be FREE. We will eliminate you what’s keeping you small and stuck in the mundane — 2x thinking. We will eliminate 80% of what’s not working and what’s not aligned — and focus on your 10x vision — the quantum leap.

How it works:

There will be opportunity to come experience these practices LIVE, and then you will have the recordings easily accessible —> so you will choose a different EMBODY practice of your choice to drop into every day for the 40 days.

Choose your practice according to your body. You will also be assigned a partner in the group to practice with each day if you wish, or at the least hold one another accountable.

We’re not just doing a program together and then finishing it —>


Creating healthy ritual & positive habits that will LIBERATE us for the rest of our lives.

You know that you need…

  • To feel embodied. Empowered. And Free

  • You need “me” time, daily, to feel inspired and connect to your creative and expansion channel.

  • You need support, community, & accountability at this phase in your life in order to show up for yourself more.

  • You need to feel the activation and excitement that comes from being in a container and saying YES to yourself.

  • You need to feel free in your body

  • You know you need to get out of your own way and claim your power — claim yourself as the extraordinary woman who is built to live an extraordinary life.

  • You need to feel free — you need freedom to be, do, say, have, all that you deeply desire from life.

  • You need to carve out time for your Extraordinary life, rather than staying busy & distracted in the mundane.

The Liberated Woman is a journey designed to reconnect you to YOU in three phases:

  • Phase One: EMBODIED

  • Phase Two: EMPOWERED

  • Phase Three: FREE

I created The Liberated Woman for you:

  • You’re so busy being “busy” that you’ve unplugged from your deeper purpose & power

  • You know you’re extraordinary but you feel disconnected from that version of you

  • You’ve been wanting high - touch support in a long term container — to work with a mentor, and to be held in a group of extraordinary women.

My love…you are ready to…

  • Get so clear on who you are and what you’re on this planet to create…

  • Channel your medicine, your wisdom, your essence… into your mastery

  • EMBODY the truth that… Someone out there NEEDS my essence. Someone out there is WAITING to receive my medicine, my wisdom, my codes…

  • People want to pay me… for being me…

Because being a Liberated Woman…

Means that you’re ready to FULLY step up into your leadership

Through your doubts…

Through your fears…

You still CHOOSE to commit to yourself

..Your HIGHEST self.

Your HIGHEST level vision…


Conscious creators is for you if…

  • You’re doing the work

  • You’ve committed to your healing…

    your evolution…

    your liberation…

And now… You want to help others achieve this, too.

You have a mission.

You might not know exactly what it is, or what it looks like…

But you DO know, you want to help the world become a better place

You’re a leader, on a mission to help the Earth switch paradigms…

You’ve upleveled on so many levels…

You are discovering your tools. Your keys. Your medicine.

That is uniquely yours, & no-one elses.

Because, let me remind you…

There is nobody like you.

Your essence is uniquely yours

& the world needs it.

The world needs your essence

& my love… you’re finally ready to share…

This might feel scary… yes.

You WILL have doubts along the way… yes.

But the difference is…

You’re no longer willing to let that stop you.

You’re willing to FEEL the fear, and walk with it.

You’re willing to feel it all…

Hold it all…

My love… This container was built to hold you

The fears, and the trust…

The doubts, and the breakthroughs…

The failure, AND the success…

Because, my love…

When you REALLY start living…

It’s not one…

or the other…


FULL VALUE life, is NOT for the faint of heart…

It’s for the brave…

For those who have a mission, bigger than themselves…

& If you’re reading this right now…

this is probably you…

This is you…

  • You’re ready to embody your purpose in its Highest Level Vision

  • You’re ready to step up into your leadership & stop playing small

  • You’re interested in leading and consciously creating: You want to work on your own terms, in your own way, but you need to get clear on your own unique offering & learn how to build a product suite.

  • You’re ready to get paid, simply by being you in your fullest expression…

  • You’re committed to meeting your fears & doubts head on… & trust what’s on the other side…

  • You’ve been in a space of limbo. Like you’ve been waiting to start playing bigger but you haven’t been sure where to start…

This is you…

  • You’re ready for your next evolution — to step into what makes you feel most excitement and most alive.

  • You’re an incredible person you’ve just gotten in your own way

  • You’re navigating transition — and you want to walk through this next evolution supported with a mentor and hand in hand with a community of women like you.

  • You’re ready to get paid, simply by being you in your fullest expression…

  • You’re committed to meeting your fears & doubts head on… & trust what’s on the other side…

  • You’ve been in a space of limbo. Like you’ve been waiting to start playing bigger but you haven’t been sure where to start…

Let me remind you…

You don’t need to know the details.

You don’t need to know specifically what you want to do, or what your offer is, or what you want to create…

Like an artist, you get to start with a blank canvas.

You don’t need to have it figured out.

And I promise you, the best thing for you to do….

Is trust.

So take the leap.


Commit to yourself already!

There is no more waiting.

You can start today.

In this program, you will…

  • You will learn how to create a business that comes from your true essence

  • You will gain clarity on your Highest Level Vision with clear steps to get there

  • You will fine-tune your vibration & frequency to get more aligned with your most authentic Self + desires…

  • You will receive leadership + entrepreneurial keys & lessons to activate you to step into your leadership + move out of limbo.

  • You will fall deeper in love with yourself: Who you are & what you’re about.

  • You will finish this container with a deep connection to your purpose and your work in the world



  • Weekly live transmissions (live group coaching calls) 90-120 minutes.

  • Take home content & opportunities (homework, journal prompts, audio, video)

  • Community support. Small, community pods for feedback, communication & support.

  • Laser-coaching, Q&A calls

  • 3 Live Breathwork Session to clear blockages

  • Lifetime access to the content to live in a vault you’ll have access to & can go back to forever.

  • LIVE program that will hold you in an energetic container, holding space for you to attune your vibration to your Highest Self, your essence, and your Highest level vision.

  • Free access to my vault + additional masterclasses during the duration of the program. (If you’ve experienced any of my trainings/masterclasses you know how potent these are!)

  • Opening & closing ceremony.

  • 1:1 High- touch support from me with 4 additional deep dive sessions and 24/7 Voxer voice support + email (for VIP upgrade)

Holding you vibrationally in your

Highest level vision:

Pay in Full


Pay in 5 installments


Want HIGHEST level support?

Upgrade to VIP

Everything PLUS + 4 Deep Dive 1:1 sessions with me

  • Pay in full: $3999

  • 5 Monthly installments: $850


What if I don’t have my business idea yet? Is Conscious Creators still for me?:

  • YES. Conscious Creators will help you identify who you are in your Aligned & Authentic Self, and with that, your highest level vision. We help you activate your desires and gain clarity on what is asking to be created through you.

I’m busy / still working full-time. Is this something I can juggle with a busy schedule?

  • Yes! We have one live call a week & the rest of the opportunities are on your own time. You get to decide how much you’d like to lean in / step back. Plus, all sessions are recorded & you’ll get lifetime access, so you can refer back to the sessions as many times as you want.

When will the sessions be?

  • To be announced in 2025! Make sure you sign up for the waitlist and you’ll get first dibs.

I want to do it, but I’m afraid I’m not good enough / worthy enough.

  • This is so natural to feel this way when we are re-creating our identity. This is why it’s so important to do this work with support — a coach and a community of like-minded individuals supporting you on the path. You ARE worthy, right now. You DO have a mission to step into and a purpose to share. And the world is waiting for you to go for it.

I’m afraid of saying yes. I think I need more information / details in order to commit

  • Totally understand that — AND. Sometimes our mind can come up with 1000 reasons why we shouldn’t do something. Drop into your body, take a breath in your heart space, and listen to what your true Self is asking of you…

I don’t know if I can afford this… Are payment plans available?

  • Yes, payment plans are available & if you really need to make something work, I would love to help you! And…

  • Investing in yourself is one of the scariest AND most liberating feelings in the world. I was afraid for years, and I stayed in limbo for years. Really identify where that money fear is coming from… is it actually coming from a feeling of not being worthy? (this is often the case for those of us afraid to spend on ourselves).

I’m afraid of spending the money

  • I believe that our financial investments are energetic declarations to the universe of what we want to see grow. When you spend money on yourself, you are declaring to the universe that you are ready to commit to yourself, your growth, and your vision. There will be fear… it’s not about that. It’s about asking yourself, “can I meet the fear, hold it, AND stay committed to my highest level vision?”