Energetic Fluctuations
How to know when you’re fluctuating and how to come back.
You’re doing all the right things—eating well, meditating, working out.
You feel motivated, excited, and productive toward your vision, your greater goals.
And then…you fluctuate.
Out of the blue, something changes.
Something’s shifted in you. You feel more tired, less present. You feel yourself reaching toward old, unhealthy habits.
You might not feel terrible, but you just feel…less good.
This is a fluctuation.
The truth is, if you are human you are going to fluctuate. There’s nothing you can do about it.
But you can disrupt the fluctuation. To reverse the downward spiral and reconnect with your “Highest Self.”
First things first, it’s important to recognize The 6 Signs of Energetic Fluctuations:
You are probably fluctuating if:
1. You’re reaching back for old habits.
You’re biting your nails again. You feel the urge to grab a pack of cigarettes even though you quit smoking. You’d rather eat junk food than go to the gym. You want to text a “toxic” friend, or worse, an ex…
2. You feel just slightly worse.
You don’t have to be deeply depressed to consider it “fluctuating.” Most of the time, it’s simply a subtle energetic shift where we feel a little duller. A little more negative.
3. You feel foggier, less present.
You’re basically feeling like a less radiant version of yourself.
4. Your sleep patterns are off.
And it’s probably because you’re not prioritizing your sleep. Instead of getting a good night of sleep, you find yourself scrolling for hours on your phone before bed. (Wow, is it 1 a.m. already?)
5. You’re disconnected from desire to commit to yourself and the things that excite you when you feel your best.
It’s not just the fact you’re avoiding what you know deep down is good for you. It’s that you no longer desire to do what’s good for you.
You no longer feel a desire to meditate, to go to the gym, to cook yourself healthy food. The things that you normally love doing when you’re feeling your best are no longer interesting to you.
6. You’re seeking external distractions.
Not only are you seeking outside of yourself for distractions, but they’re also less fulfilling.
You’re keeping yourself busier but it’s not actually fulfilling you. You feel like you want to be social, and yet when you do socialize, it leaves you feeling empty.
If you have any of these symptoms…relax.
It’s okay! It’s a part of being human.
Of course, we all want to feel ambitious, motivated, and excited to be alive all of the time.
But, the sooner we can accept that we will fluctuate, the sooner we can move through the process below, which will help us stop the downward spiral and activate us again toward our best self.
11 Tools to Disrupt & Reverse Energetic Fluctuations:
1. Awareness.
This is the most important step, and if this is all you do regarding your fluctuations then you have done enough.
Step one is awareness. Become aware of what’s happening. Tell yourself, “Hey… I think I’m just going through a fluctuation right now. And that’s okay.”
Practice using the term “I’m fluctuating” in your day-to-day language. The next time your mom, your partner, or your friends question why you’re acting the way you are, you can say. “I know I’m not being my best right now. I’m fluctuating.”
The moment we become aware of something, it loses its power over us.
2. Forgiveness.
The next step is to forgive yourself for fluctuating.
Whatever your fluctuation looks like, forgive yourself. Even if you’re smoking again, having sex with an ex, or have completely lost sight of your big goals, it’s okay. Really.
It’s a part of life. And you’re never “wrong.” You’re just human.
If you decide to continue the fluctuation, decide to at least have fun with it.
Enjoy the sex. Enjoy the cigarettes. If you’re going to do it, at least release the guilt and the shame and have fun with it. Because as soon as we release the guilt, is the very moment we release the fluctuating energy.
Shame is actually a mechanism to trap energy. It keeps you stuck. So as soon as you can release the guilt, forgive, then you will begin to shift the energy
3. Choice.
Now, it’s time to choose.
You always have free will. You can stay in the fluctuation if you want to. As I said, it can be fun!
It’s your choice to start smoking again. It’s your choice to stop going to the gym.
You can choose whatever you want to because we live a f*cking incredible life where we can do whatever we want. We just have to be willing to accept the karmic consequences.
However, you can also choose a different way. If you want to change, if you want to stop the pattern, if you want to return to feeling your lightest, brightest, and best self…you can choose this, too.
4. Vision.
Your biggest vision. Your life vision.
The vision that lights you up, that at one point made you feel excited to be alive. The vision, the goal, that you were once striving towards before the fluctuation began.
Take time to reconnect with this vision. Write down your vision every single day. Meditate on it. Visualize it. Feel it.
Reconnect with your vision, even if it doesn’t feel alive or activated yet (because when you’re fluctuating it probably won’t and that’s normal).
Do it anyway.
(Learn my vision process in my Morning Magic Masterclass)
5. Time Alone.
When you’re fluctuating, you will probably be avoiding yourself and you’ll have a greater tendency to distract yourself through other people.
You might not feel great when you’re by yourself, so you’re looking for external happiness.
Listen to me: take time alone.
Turn off your phone. Take a social media detox if you can, even if it’s just for one day.
No matter how many people want your time and energy, say no. Take time alone. Lay the f*ck down—for at least 20 minutes and close your eyes.
Do not skip this step.
6. Nature.
Get your butt into nature.
Nature is the simplest and most profound medicine to reconnect us to ourselves.
Even if you live in a city, take a walk.
Wake up to the sunrise. Watch the sunset.
Walk barefoot in the grass.
Talk to the moon, the sun, the stars. Tell them what you’re feeling. Ask them to help you reconnect.
7. Kriya. Kriya. Kriya.
My go-to, every time.
Kriyas are yogic techniques that use a combination of breath, sound, mudra, and movement that create a rapid shift in your state of consciousness.
For me, this is the quickest way for me to reconnect to my channel, to my “Highest Self,” and to shift my energy.
They’re super effective, and the shift happens fast. In just one minute of practicing a certain kriya, you will notice a powerful shift.
If you’ve never tried kriya, come experience it at my FREE Saturn - Day yoga class: (sign up here.)
8. Ice bath/Sauna.
Hot and cold therapy are two of my favorite ways to center myself and calm the mind. If you can access a sauna and an ice bath, I highly recommend this.
9. Energy Clearing.
Clear out people or energies that aren’t supporting the version of yourself you want to amplify. If they’re not activating you into a frequency you want more of, then let it go. Enough said.
10. Tune In.
Tune in to the energy and recognize the elements.
What are you feeling from this fluctuation? Are you feeling fiery? Angry, anxious, upset, triggered?
This is the result of a lot of fire—a lot of heat. Therefore, it would be useful for you to cultivate the opposite of heat—cool down!
You can do this by eating cooling foods, resting, taking a cold shower, to name a few.
On the other hand, maybe you need more heat?
If you’re feeling stagnant, lethargic, or bored, you probably need to cultivate a fire practice.
A sweaty workout. A nice long run. These practices will help cultivate more heat in the body and clear out any stagnant energies. Or try “Breath of Fire”:
11. Fear Journaling.
Take out your journal, and write down every single fear that is in your head.
This is a powerful practice to bring awareness towards what’s really upsetting us and triggering the fluctuation.
As in step one, once we become aware of what’s creating a block, we can have the clarity to see that it’s probably not true, it’s temporary, and it’s going to be okay. — in my Morning Magic masterclass, I walk you through my step - by - step magic journaling process. You purchase the bundle for $111! (normally $333).. Check it, here.