How do we access our intuition?
Intuition is simply intelligence. The ability to be aware of the subtlest shifts.
To have the ability to walk into a room and feel something is off, just ever so slightly…
This is intelligence, and this is intuition. The ability to observe the subtleties.
In order to notice the subtlest shifts, one must be deeply connected to their inner state of silence. Stillness. Peace.
If you’re flailing and rushing through the world, deeply disconnected from your center, you would miss all of the signs until it smacks you in your face.
This is why your sadhana, your practice, is so important.
It connects you to your deepest center, your essence, your truth.
You cannot know what to do, you cannot make aligned decisions, you cannot ‘figure it out’ if you are ‘figuring it out’ from a rushed, triggered, or disconnected state.
Your decisions and actions are simply a by-product of your state of consciousness.
So slow down, & get quiet in order to make an aligned decision.
Because intuition is so subtle, it’s like the gentlest breeze, pushing you in the right direction.
You must access your center, pause, and listen in order to feel it.
I always like to say ‘the ego is loud. The intuition whispers.’
Therefore, if you’re full of noise, if your mind is full of noise, it’s likely just your ego.
A story, a program, or you running on autopilot, or worse, reacting from fear.
You might find that if you slow down and get quiet, you’ll hear a whisper of truth.
So if you’re trying to make a decision? STOP. Pause, and get quiet. This is when your intuition will speak through you.