Anything that isn’t love is a lie

Love = progression 

Anything that isn’t love = regression 

It really is that simple.

You’re either moving towards evolutionary action, which is always expansive, which is love

Or you’re moving towards regressive action, which could be labeled as karma, which is a repeated pattern based upon conditioning, beliefs, patterns, or reactions. 

Love is not the easier choice sometimes. 

Our triggers and stories have a strong grip on us. They can feel very real, because they don’t just live in the mind—they exist in the body, in our nervous system, in our physiological responses.

Your triggers might tell you to run, to bite your nails, to ghost someone, to shut down… 

And while physiologically this can feel very true for you, when we break it down and get to the root of where it’s coming from, we can always trace it back to a belief that is programmed within your subconscious that isn’t serving you anymore.

From the work I’ve done with my clients, I can share that usually the baseline belief is some variation of “I’m not worthy.” 

And you can consciously tell yourself I’m worthy all day long.

But if subconsciously you believe the opposite, then this is what will continue to run the show.


& no matter what you “consciously want”, you’ll continue playing out the subconscious belief over and over in the form of sabotaging behaviors in order to reaffirm this to yourself. Unfortunately, the subconscious just wants to be “right” — and it will do anything it can do in order to prove itself.

It’s time to stop the sabotage and return to love. 

Because truly.. love is the only truth. 

Anything that isn’t love is a lie. 

It’s valid - yes. The trigger you feel telling you to react, shut down, walk away, is real - yes.

But the story underneath that response is nothing more than a conditioned limiting belief. 

Luckily, once you’re aware, there’s no unseeing it. There’s no going back. 

You have the power to rewire these beliefs and choose new patterns that align with your highest self.

And this is exactly what we do in my 1:1 journey. Reach out to enquire more.

Remember that love is the only truth,



What negative patterns are you currently respecting?